
Showing posts from August, 2017

Wedding Planning!...and Wisdom Teeth (My Life Recently, Part 2)

Here is Part 2 of my recent life updates. The second half of my summer vacation has turned into a whirlwind of preliminary wedding plans. And on top of that I also had my wisdom teeth removed and had to take time to recover. It's been a challenge getting through it all, but by now a wedding date has been set, venues are booked, and my teeth are healing. Here's a window into what's been going on. David and I returned from our trip to New York/Niagara Falls (now newly engaged) on Sunday, July 16. It was kind of nice to get engaged while on a trip because David and I could enjoy being engaged all by ourselves for a few days without the pressure of starting to plan the wedding and answer a million questions from friends and family. We called and texted some close family and friends while on the trip but we waited until the night we came back to make it "Facebook official" and now public knowledge. (Social media has certainly transformed the process of announcing big

Engagement! (My Life Recently, Part 1)

Some exciting news... I got engaged!! I thought I'd share the story here, along with some updates on what's been happening since the engagement. (This is going to take two posts.) But first some backstory on who I will be marrying... I met my fianc é, David, almost two years ago through . (So I suppose technology had a pivotal role in my dating life too.) I had been on the site for about 10 months and I was feeling a little discouraged that all the guys I met were either a) not what I was looking for or b) not interested in me enough to meet me in person or go on more than one date. I had plenty of on-going conversations with guys through Catholic Match's messages, sometimes for 2-3 months or more, but I only met two of those guys in person. When David finally messaged me in late August 2015, I almost didn't respond to him. I was already having conversations with two others guys, and from his pictures he didn't look like the type of guy I'm